Monday, June 14, 2010


This is our last term in Informatic Technology this year. We have seen lots of things but all of them relationated with how to making a program. To do this things, we have used the program "GAMBAS" which meaning is "Gambas Almost Mean Basic". Well, to start to work with this program, Javi give to us some photocopies that contained all the information about this program. Then, when we saw the photocopies, we started to use the computers. All the days except the last monday and today we were working with this program. We have made lots of exercices like create a calculator, calculate the circumference and the radium of a circle, the measures of a square and things like that.
When we finished to use gambas, we started to work in a program called "Audacity" which is used to do with your music the things that you want. Javi put one song of Britney Spears and he cut the song, changed the effects, mixed the song with another song, put to the songs voices of squirrels and more things that i don't remeber now.
Today we have did the things that we want and the next day, I think, we'll do the same.
Well, this is all for this term and this year.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

If you would like the class notes about decimal and binary code click here.
If you would like the class notes about networks and security click here.
If you would like the class notes about networks, comprehensive exercise click here.

Monday, February 22, 2010


The second term of I/T has been a little difficult because we have studied another things more important and complicated than the things that we studied in the first term.
First, we studied how to transform numbers from decimal to binary code. We studied this because we had to understand the language of a computer.
Second, we have worked in a photocopies about networks that Javi gave to us:
- First, we saw the meaning of networks, Internet, Transmission medium, server and client, connection devices and protocol.
- Second, we studied more deeply the transmission mediums and how to connect a type of cable called "par trenzado", how to do it and some of my partners did a demostration.
- Third, we studied de connection devices, like the network interface card, the hub and the switch, the router and the modem.
- Then, we saw the types of networks there are, clasificated by:
* The distance: PAN (Personal Area Netowork); LAN (Local Area Network); CAN (Campus Area Network); MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network).
* The type of connection: by cable or without the cable.
* The relation between the computers: client - server where the client needs something and the server give the thing, and P2P (Peer to Peer) where all the computers are clients and servers.
* The topology of the network: bus (all the computers connected); star (all the computers connected to one computer); ring (one computer connected to the other and the last to the first); mesh (all the computers connected to the others), tree (like a star but with shape of a tree) and mix (a combination of the others).
* The direction of the data: unnidirectional, bidireccional but no at the same time and bidirectional at the same time).
- In fifth place, we studied the protocol TCP/IP (Internet protocol), the IP adress, the subnet mask, the protocol DHCP and the configuration of a network.
- In the last place, we studied the informatic security and the internet security. In the internet security we saw the types of problems there are:
- Viruses and worms.
- Spywares.
- Trojans.
- Emergents windows.
- Spams.
- Cookies.

Monday, December 21, 2009


If you would like the class notes on creating a new Google account click here.
If you would like the class notes on Components of a computer click here.
If you would like the class notes on IT introduction click here.
If you would like the class notes about email ( doc file ) click here.
If you would like the class notes about email ( ppt file ) click here.
If you would like the class notes about Blogger click here.
If you would like the class notes about Blogs click here. LinkLink

Monday, November 16, 2009

We were in another class different to informatic technology. The first day that we arrived in class, Javi continued with his lesson and at the end of the class, he gave us some photocopies. The next day we worked about how to create a blog and a gmail, it's very easy. Later Dan (our conversation auxiliary) talked us about the information of photocopies:
-First we talked about the parts of a computer and we saw a presentation in powerpoint.
-Second he talked about the word computer science and explained us the meaning.
The last day, Javi talked us about the components of the computer, the hardware and the software.
Another thing that he told us was the notes of class. This notes it will depend of the exams, our notebook (our blog) and the activities that we do in class.

Monday, October 26, 2009


This blog is for computer science class.
We are going to write about class projects, the subject of I/T...
We will upload the class notes.